If you have a cat, perhaps you have observed how felines tend to corral their favorite things into one safe place. Case in point: My Birman boy, Taz, assumes ownership of all yarn remnants once I finish a knitting project. (If he had his way he would own it all from the start, but I am a mean mom.) My husband and I will often see small balls of yarn all over the house, sometimes unraveled into what looks like a laser beam circuit of geometric lines encompassing every leg of furniture in sight – all Taz’s handiwork. What is interesting is that Taz will periodically corral his balls of yarn into one place – in and around his dry food dish, as if to announce to the world that these most cherished items are HIS and he maintains a constant inventory. Taz and I were MFEO (made for each other), if for no other reason than our mutual love of yarn.

Like Taz, I began to feel the need to corral some of my most cherished items this weekend. Combining my love of fishing with my goal of organizing my knitting sundries, I convinced my husband to make a stop at Cabela’s on Saturday (not difficult to do), where he helped me choose the perfect little double-sided tackle box in which to keep the smallest of knitting notions. Let us review the fruits of this organizational effort:
  • Cute little box full of stitch markers, stitch holders, needles, pins, repair hook, needle holders, etc.: CHECK
  • Retractable tape measure: CHECK
  • Two sizes of waste yarn: CHECK
  • Mini scissors: CHECK
  • Needle size gauge: CHECK
  • Hair pin to maintain my place on written instructions: CHECK
  • Mini magnifyer in case, even with eyeglasses, I need help with the finest of print: CHECK
  • Cable hooks: CHECK
  • Norweigan knitting thimble to aid in two-color Fair Isle knitting: CHECK (Do these things work?)
  • Last, but not least: a wine bottle key – because one never knows when one will need to pop a cork: CHECK!
So there you have it: All of my favorite knitting-related things corralled into a freebie cosmetics tote being put to far better use than its original purpose. Other than my night vision head lamp that goes in my knitting bag and the Knit Counter, iKnit Needle Sizer, and Knit Gauge programs on my iPhone, I’m ready to roll!
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  1. Lynn Says:
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